This time’s Grammar is the difference between "就(jiù)" and "才(cái)"."就(jiù)" and "才(cái)" have many uses, and today we talk about different meanings when matching the words in the table of time.
time+就(jiù):early time, short time
time+才(cái):late time, long time

yuánbǎo lái zhōngguó yígèyuè jiù huì shuō hànyǔ le。
元宝 来 中国 一个月 就 会 说 汉语 了。
Yuanbao comes to China to speak Chinese only in one month.
yuánbǎo lái zhōngguó yìnián cái huì shuō hànyǔ。
元宝 来 中国 一年 才 会 说 汉语。
YuanBao comes to China to speak Chinese for one year.
wǒ zuótiān kāi le èrshí duō fēnzhōng jiù dàojiā le。
我 昨天 开 了 二十 多 分钟 就 到家 了。
It took me only 20 minutes yesterday.
wǒ zuótiān kāi le yígè xiǎoshí cái dàojiā。
我 昨天 开 了 一个 小时 才 到家。
It took me an hour to get home today.
就(jiù)+time:late time, long time
才(cái)+time: early time, short time

zuówǎn jiābān,huídàojiā jiù shíyīdiǎn le。
昨晚 加班,回到家 就 十一点 了。
I worked overtime last night and got home at 11pm.
jīntiān méiyǒu dǔchē,huídàojiā cái liùdiǎn。
今天 没有 堵车,回到家 才 六点。
There was no traffic jam today. It was only 6pm when I got home.
In short, the position of the time word will affect the meaning of the sentence, you can say more, practice more. Experience the usage difference between 就(jiù) and 才(cái).
Well, that's the end of the month. I hope it will help you. See you again for the next month.